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A meeting organised on the initiative of the furniture industry and Bpifrance was held at the Bpi Hub on boulevard Haussmann on the theme of the financing market and available solutions.

Introduced by Dominique Weber, Chairman of Les Industriels de l’Ameublement, the meeting provided an opportunity to launch innovative solutions developed by Aurignac Finance and Cefin.

Jean-René Griton, Chairman of Aurignac Finance, spoke about existing financing solutions for innovative and growing SMEs and ETIs. This panorama of financing provided answers to the questions posed by the managers in attendance and by the heads of the professional organisations in charge of the event (UNIFA and CODIFAB).

The debate that followed, involving Fonds Bois, SIAGI and Bpifrance’s Regional Management, provided an opportunity for concrete, operational exchanges.

The seminar led to the launch of an innovative service available to members of these organisations.

Similar meetings should be organised early 2017 in different regions of France.

Aurignac Finance and its partner Cefin are delighted to be able to offer professionals the best solutions in response to their sector-specific issues.