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The Aurignac Finance team gathered for a strategic back-to-school seminar at the brand-new premises of Click & Boat, a boat rental company based in Boulogne.

Moored along the banks of the Seine, the team spent the day sharing their desire to provide their customers with ever-better service and enhance the efficiency of their know-how. The key areas of development, namely international expansion and sector expertise were reaffirmed, and a 3-year growth plan, known as Plan Alizés, was drawn up.

The successes achieved in the first half of the year are confirmed by an excellent backlog of cases in progress, and the appointment of Christine Kairouz as VP has completed the implementation of the new organisation, which comprises 2 partners, 2 vice presidents, 1 senior analyst and two juniors.

The day ended with a relaxed moment by the water and a tasting of Bulgarian wines.